Fresh Manna

In Exodus chapter 16, we read about God feeding the children of Israel with manna from Heaven. Moses gave them very specific rules regarding the gathering of the manna.

Every day, except for the sixth day, they were supposed to gather what they needed for that one day, but not any more than that. On the sixth day they would gather twice as much so they would have an extra supply for the Sabbath.

God wanted them to have a “fresh” supply of manna for each day. In much the same way, we need a “fresh” Word from God every day. Sometimes we might try to live off of what we got from Sunday’s sermon or yesterday’s devotions. But that just doesn’t really work that well. God wants us to spend time with Him daily.

When we are reading God’s Word and spending time in prayer every day, there are some very specific things that happen.

First, we will have more power to resist the enemy and the things he throws our way.

Second, when we spend time with the Father, He fills our hearts with more love and we have an abundant supply to share His love with others.

And last of all, God fills us with His peace that only He can givethat unshakeable peace the world can’t take away!

Personally, I don’t want to even try to live on yesterday’s manna! I want a fresh Word from God every day!

Dustin Jett