
Detours! Does anyone really like them? I don’t think so.

I remember recently I was on my way to church and there it wasa detour! I would have to figure out another way to get there, but that’s okay. I knew exactly where I was going.

Did it take a little longer? Yes it did! But I still got there! (Did I mention I had a “curb check” on the way?) But I made it!

How many times in life do we have detours? We think things should happen at a certain time and in a certain way, but they don’t. Think about the heroes of our faith in the Bible. They had “detours” along the way.

Joseph was supposed to be the “leader” of his family. But look at the detours he had to endure before he truly became the leader. There was the pit and the prison before he made it to the palace.

And then think of Moses. I’m sure the deliverance of Israel did not happen just the way he thought it would. Who would have thought his detour would have marched them right up to the Red Sea?

And then who would have thought, at just the right moment, God would have made a way through the sea on dry ground?

But that’s how our God works. He drops a promise in our hearts, but doesn’t tell us the details or how we are going to get there. But at just the right moment, He makes the impossible happen.

Maybe we need to remember that the next time we see a “detour” sign!

Dustin Jett