Have You Ever Thought About Where We Are in History?
I love reading the New Testament and all about the disciples and how they saw so many miracles that Jesus did when He walked on this earth.
But one thing that really intrigues me, are the heroes of faith in the Old Testament: men like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David. These men had never seen Jesus but they believed and trusted God. And they continued to look for their Messiah.
But here’s the really good part of the story. Before Jesus, there had to be a sacrifice for sin. Atonement had to be made. And so they would choose a spotless lamb, one without any imperfections and that lamb would be sacrificed. No one could go into the Holy of Holies except the High Priest. But then Jesus came and changed all that!
So here is where we are today. Since Jesus came, we now have access to God Himself. We don’t have to go through a priest. We don’t have to sacrifice a lamb because He became our sacrifice.
I love what Lysa TerKeurst says: “Grace is the reason I can go to God quickly, immediately – before I’m cleaned up – and boldly ask for His help. In the midst of my mess, God is there.”
I am so thankful for what Jesus did. That He gave us access to the Father. We don’t have to “fix” it ourselves. When we come to Him in true repentance, He takes care of it all. And my favorite part is this – “in the midst of my mess, God is there.”
That kind of grace is truly amazing!