Live Above Your Circumstances

My devotion time is a really important part of my day.  I start with reading God’s Word.  I also read through notes and verses I have kept from my parents.  And I include a devotional book as well.


If I’m not careful, it can become routine and I can sometimes miss the importance of what I am reading.  But then there are those times that the words just jump off the page at me.


This is what I ready the other day: “Live above your circumstances even while you are in the midst of them.”  Now, as great as that sounds, how can we actually do that?


Psalm 28:7 (Amp) says, “The Lord is my Strength and my [impenetrable] shield.”  That’s a shield that nothing can get through.


The reason we can rise above everything that surrounds us is because our confident trust is in God.  And that’s why we can praise Him with our song.  And our praise in the midst of everything that is going on around us is what touches the heart of God.

Dustin Jett