Peace, Joy, Love
Growing up in Sunday School I had the opportunity to learn a lot of songs; some of them you quickly forget but some you remember all your life. And those songs become more meaningful as time goes on.
This is one of those songs. The first verse said, “I’ve got peace like a river.” And that reminds me of Psalm 23:2 where the psalmist talks about the Shepherd leading us beside still waters. There is nothing quite as peaceful as walking beside a river or stream. You just sense God’s presence all around you.
Then the second verse says, “I’ve got joy like a fountain.” I picture in my mind a huge fountain that just seems to bubble up and overflow. That kind of joy can only come from a relationship with the Father. It’s not just happiness, it’s a deep, abiding joy.
And the third verse says, “I’ve got love like an ocean.” The ocean covers three-fourths of the earth’s surface. That’s a lot of love! Why do we need love like an ocean? Because God wants us to love everyone – not just those who seem to have it all together, but those who are weary, lost, and in need of a Savior.
I pray today that you experience God’s amazing peace, His joy that bubbles up and overflows, and His love that reaches far and wide to those all around you!