I read recently that focus is our “super power.” And that made me stop and think – “What does that mean to me personally?”
One thing for sure is that I would love to have a “super power” in my life! Who wouldn’t? But how do I achieve that kind of focus that would give me that kind of power?
In the world in which we live, we are surrounded by so much negativity and that leads to distractions and that leads to us losing our focus. What is the best way to come against negativity? I believe it’s by having a thankful heart.
It is so easy to become distracted with everything that is “wrong.” But if we determine to replace negative thoughts with what we are thankful for, it can change our whole outlook.
For instance, I recently found myself with a mountain of laundry to do. It would have been easy to slip into that “I can’t believe I have all this to do!” But I started thinking about how blessed I am to have modern conveniences like washers and dryers! Think of the women before us who had to scrub clothes in a washtub!
When we change our thinking, we become more focused and we begin to feel more powerful. That’s because we have been victorious over the sin of grumbling and complaining.