Follow Him – Daily
In Matthew 16:24 it says, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”
This verse is so important. And it isn’t something we should do once in a while, or once a month, or think about only on Sunday. When we commit to following Jesus, it should be a “daily experience.”
Several years ago, I met a couple who had named one of their daughters “Daily.” They wanted to be reminded that daily, every day, we should follow Jesus.
Jesus set the example for us. He didn’t just say He loved us, He showed us His love. He served others. When there was a need, He met it. He gave of His time.
One of my favorite stories in the Bible is when the lady touched the hem of Jesus’ robe and was healed. He didn’t have to stop. He could have kept on going. She was already healed, but He took the time to speak to her.
As I go through my day, I want to demonstrate the love of Jesus, but I also want to show the character of Jesus. I want to give of myself; to give of my time. I want to follow Him—daily.