Don’t Give Up On Day Six!

In Joshua the sixth chapter, there is a wonderful story about Joshua and the Israelites taking the City of Jericho. This is a story that most of us probably remember from our childhood. There have even been songs written about the amazing event.

God’s instructions were for the Israelites to march around the city once a day for six days. On the seventh day, they were to march around seven times, shout, and blow the trumpets. And then it would happen, the walls would fall flat. And they would take the city.

So, let’s suppose they did as they were commanded. They marched once a day on the first day, the second, the third, fourth, fifth and they get to day six. And just suppose on day six they stop…they’ve had enough. How silly they must feel. Nothing has happened so far. What makes them think anything would be different on day seven?

In writing this, I am thinking of some of you who have prayed about something for a very long time. And you are still waiting. I want to encourage you to not give up! This could be “day six.” Tomorrow could be the day the walls fall flat! Tomorrow could be the day of your miracle. It’s always too soon to give up! You just don’t know for sure, but this could be the day your prayers could be answered. Keep believing! And don’t give up on “day six!”

Dustin Jett