The Importance of Knowing God

I have been reading in the Book of Hosea. In Hosea 5:4 (AMP) it says, “…they know not the Lord (they do not recognize, appreciate, give heed to, or cherish the Lord).”

Those are some pretty strong words. As believers, it is important that we really know God, not just know about Him.

I did a study on these words:

Recognize – Identify or acknowledge someone

Appreciate – Recognize the worth of something

Give heed to – Give attention to

Cherish – Hold dear; treat with affection

If I want my relationship with God to be all that it should be, I need to recognize Him for Who He is. I need to appreciate His worth and all He has done for me. I need to give attention to Him; spend time with Him. And maybe the most important thing of all, I need to hold my relationship with God as dear and special.

It’s still amazing to me that the God of the universe wants a relationship with us, but He does!

Dustin Jett