Following Hard After God

Years ago, I remember hearing people say the phrase, “following hard after God.” That’s a really different way of expressing something, so I did a study to see what that really means.

First of all, I looked up the word hard. That word means enduring, resistant, tough. And then I read Psalm 63:8 (NASB) which says, “My soul clings to Thee; Thy right hand upholds me.” Another translation says, “I follow close behind You, protected by your strong right arm.” (TLB)

So, if I am following “hard after God,” that means I will hold tenaciously to Him. And I will have endurance and resistance to anything the enemy would try to throw my way.

But here’s where it really gets good! If I am doing my best to follow God, then I have the assurance that I will be protected by God’s strong right arm. And then I remember that God never loses a battle! Not ever!!

Dustin Jett