Let’s Roll

Most of us will never forget where we were on September 11, 2001. That day will forever live in our memories. One of the most inspiring stories from that event was the story of Todd Beamer who led a group of passengers in bringing down a plane that was heading for Washington D.C. Their battle cry became, “Let’s roll.”

After that, I remember our youth group performing a “human video” depicting that event for Fine Arts. It was so powerful!

In Jeremiah 46:3-4 it says, “Line up the shield and buckler, and draw near for the battle! Harness the horses, and mount the steeds, and take your stand with helmets on! Polish the spears, put on the scale-armor!” And I can almost hear a “let’s roll” at the end of verse 4.

Hopefully, we will never experience another “9/11.” And we are not in a military battle like the one Jeremiah is speaking of, but every day we are in a battle against sin and evil in our world.

Every day we need to put on the “armor of God” and be ready to fight and stand against the enemy that would try to destroy us. Every day we need to rise up and say “Let’s roll” and take back all that the enemy has tried to steal from us as God’s people! Let’s do it! “LET’S ROLL!”

Dustin Jett