God Meets Our Needs

In the second chapter of John, we read about Jesus’s first miracle where He turned the water into wine at a wedding. In chapter four, we read where He healed the nobleman’s son.


These are two very different miracles. The first one was at a social event. They had run out of wine, which could have been very embarrassing for the hosts of the wedding.


The second miracle was of great importance. The son was at the point of death. Jesus restored him and gave him back his life.


So, what does this say to us? It says that Jesus is concerned about everything in our lives! It doesn’t matter how big or how small it may seem. He is our Heavenly Father and He cares when we have a need and we may be running out of something.


And He cares when we are facing “life and death” situations. There’s not one thing that our Heavenly Father does not care about. If it concerns us, it touches His Heart!


I am so glad we have a Heavenly Father who cares and can meet every need in our lives¾no matter how big or small.

Dustin Jett