He Hovers Over You

“I hover over you and everything about you.” I read this in one of my devotions. I don’t know about you, but this brings me so much comfort and peace!

Just to think that God, creator of the universe, the One who flung the stars into space, that same God cares enough about me to hover over me! That’s pretty amazing!

I am reminded of our youth pastor days when Eddy would tell our youth group to “practice the presence of Jesus.” And what he was wanting them to understand was that God’s presence was always with them.

Obviously, they were aware of God’s presence when they had a great youth camp or when they went on a mission trip. But he wanted them to know that the same God who was with them during those special times was also with them when they were walking the halls of their schools or wherever else they might go.

And it’s true for us as well. God’s presence is not confined to just when we are at church or when we spend our “quiet time” with Him. He is with us when we are working, at the grocery store, working in our yards, or wherever life may take us.

He “hovers” over us. Hebrews 13:5 says, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you.” That’s a promise we can count on!

Dustin Jett