Thankfulness and Gratitude

Thankfulness and gratitude are interchangeable words in our language. As believers, it’s so important that we have grateful hearts.

Sometimes in the morning and again in the evening, I will think of things I am grateful for. Recently, I read this from a famous author, “Thank God for something every hour.”

One hour we might thank God for our Salvation. Then we could thank Him for our families. And then for our church family. And then for the freedom we have in this country. And we could go on and on.

So many times when things go wrong, it’s easy to complain. Like for instance, when the car breaks down, or the dishwasher stops working, or the washer.

But what if we began to say, “Thank you, God, that the washer IS working and the car IS running.” What if we began today to thank God for all the many blessings He gives us!

That’s my challenge to you and to myself. Let’s make a conscious effort to thank God for something different every hour of the day! And I believe by the end of the day, our hearts will be overflowing with gratitude for the goodness of God in our lives!

Dustin Jett