What Good Is That With All This Mob?

I love the story in John 6:1-12 of Jesus feeding the 5,000 with five loaves of bread and two fish. And by the way, the 5,000 was counting just the men! That didn’t even include the women and children!

This has to be one of the greatest miracles Jesus performed! But this is what I find interesting. We often hear about Peter, James and John in the Gospels, but I find Andrew fascinating in this story.

When Jesus asks his disciples what they had to feed all these people, Andrew answers, “There’s a youngster here with five barley loaves and a couple of fish! But what good is that with all this mob?” (Living Bible)

I think Andrew wants to believe Jesus can perform a miracle. I think in his heart he knows Jesus can. But that’s where he stops. His faith isn’t quite there. And why is that? Is it fear of what the other disciples might think? We don’t know for sure.

Here's my takeaway from this story. I want to be like Andrew, but without the doubt. I want to say, “Lord, what can you do with this? Because I believe and know you are able to do the impossible!”

What are you personally believing for today? Boldly believe in the miracle working power of Jesus! It doesn’t matter if it looks like an impossible situation! The “mob” wasn’t too big for Jesus to handle!

Dustin Jett