God is Our Helper and Our Shield

Psalm 115:9-11 says, “O Israel, trust the Lord! He is your helper. He is your shield. O priests of Aaron, trust the Lord! He is your helper; he is your shield. All of you, his people, trust in him. He is your helper; he is your shield.”

There’s a pretty clear message here. God wants the people of Israel to trust and have confidence in him.

And he wants us to do the same!’

I looked up the words “helper” and “shield.” “Helper” means assistant. A “shield” is a broad plate of defensive armor.

What could be better than our God, who created the universe, coming to be our assistant? Or God being our shield when we go into battle?

And if that weren’t enough, Psalm 115:12 says, “Jehovah is constantly thinking about us and he will surely bless us. He will bless…both great and small, who reverence him.”

Dustin Jett