The Glorious Presence of God
“They preferred a statue of an ox that eats grass, to the glorious presence of God himself.” Psalm 106:19,20 (Living Bible)
I recently read this verse and thought to myself that it would never apply to me. How foolish they must have been to even think of worshiping a statue of an ox that eats grass.
As believers and followers of Jesus, we would never even consider worshiping a statue of any kind.
But the more I thought about it, the more I realized how easily this could happen. While we would not worship a statue, what are some other things that might creep in and take God’s place in our lives?
Could it be that we might allow a job, family, or friends to become more important than our relationship with God? Anything that we allow to push God out of “first place” in our lives, can become a “statue” or “idol.”
It caused me to stop and think and search my heart. I don’t want anything to become more important in my life than “the glorious presence of God himself.”