There is a God in Heaven
There is a great story in Daniel the second chapter. King Nebuchadnezzar was having disturbing dreams and none of the people around him could interpret those dreams. And when none of the king’s men could interpret those dreams, they looked for Daniel.
God revealed the mystery of the king’s dreams in a night vision to Daniel. When Daniel went in to see the king, he acknowledged that there was no one who could interpret the dreams.
But I love what Daniel said in verse 28 of chapter 2, “but there is a God in Heaven…” and then he interprets the dream for the king.
Now obviously, none of us have been asked to interpret dreams for a king. The circumstances that we are facing may be very different from his situation. We may face health issues, financial difficulties, or struggles in relationships. But this truth is still the same.
No matter what you may be dealing with, let me assure you that “there IS a God in Heaven.” And this God is big enough to answer every prayer and meet every need in your life! And more importantly, He really, really cares about YOU!