One of the saddest things about the world we are living in today, is the lack of joy. There is so much sadness and loneliness, and some people are even experiencing deep depression.
But for us as believers, we know God never intended for us to live with a lack of joy!
In Psalm 105:43 it says, “He brought out His people with rejoicing, His chosen ones with shouts of joy.”
The Message Paraphrase reads like this: “Remember this! He led His people out singing for joy; His chosen people marched, singing their hearts out!”
How can we experience this joy that God wants us to have? I believe it first begins when we realize we are indeed God’s chosen people. That thought alone should cause us to have great joy!
We know as God’s children, there will be times when we go
through trials and fight battles. But the best way to be victorious in those times, is to march and sing our way to victory!
If you are going through a trial in your life right now, I encourage you to march and sing your heart out! That’s the best way for the enemy to be defeated!