Revive Us, O Lord!

Thou, who has shown me many troubles and distresses, will revive me again. Psalm 71:20

“Revive” is an interesting word. One definition of revive is “to come back to life after apparent death; be renewed or refreshed.”

The King James Version uses the word “quicken” which means “to make or become faster and more active.”

What are you needing for God to do for you today? Do you need to be quickened or strengthened? Maybe you just need to be refreshed. Maybe you have felt beaten down and you need for God to breathe His life into you and bring your spirit back to life!

Whatever we are needing, we know we can come into His throne room and let His Spirit refresh us, renew us, and bring us “back to life” again! He is just waiting for us to come and ask, in faith believing, and He will answer!

Dustin Jett